Our Timetable
The Hut Timetable
We are open: Monday – Friday 10:00 – 3:00
A quick look at what our timetable looks like. Please read below to find out more about each session.
Our sessions are all unique and different, we believe that you should have choice in the sessions, activities and workshops that you want to take part in. This is why our staff team work hard to offer you something a bit different, where you will learn new skills. Even if you come once a week or several times in the week you will always get to try something new.
There is a charge to attend The Hut, we can discuss this on your visit or if you require more information before a visit please email and one of the team will contact you. email info@thehutyork.co.uk
Members decided in their meeting that they would have a booking system, however on selected days you are able to drop in for a session. we highly recommend that you call before setting off as we only have limited places and would hate to have to turn anyone away.
Please read our Members policy: Members policy
The Wellness Haven in the Hubble
- The Wellness Haven has lots of exciting programmes for you to get involved with. It starts every morning at 10.25am
- Please bring along a drink or a bottle to fill up with water from our water cooler. It is important to stay hydrated.
Each morning our ‘Early Bird’ session from 10.25 -11.15 and is part of The Wellness Haven. These sessions are about promoting our wellbeing.
- Monday – Take A Breath With Emma A safe space to practice different types of breathing and breathing meditation
- Tuesday – Let’s Have A Laugh A session where we laugh, have fun and let go of any worries or stresses
- Wednesday – (10.00 – 11.00) Chit Chat And Social Put your phones away and lets get talking to each other over a cuppa
- Thursday – Calm Space Meditation Relax and take some time just for you with a safe meditation
- Friday – Body Magic A motivating guide around your body with some Tapping, Breathing, Yoga and of course fun!
Other sessions on offer in The Wellness Haven
These sessions need to be pre booked
- Monday 11.15-12.45 -Hearing Voices A regular opportunity for people to come together to discuss voice hearing and other unusual experiences with others, in a safe, non-judgmental and confidential environment. *This session is run by an external provider please email them directly if you have any questions or would like to book* email tt@amitola-communities.co.uk – The Hut is unable to reserve you a place or answer any questions about this group
- 1st Tuesday morning of every month Drama with York Theatre Royal
- Wednesday – 1.30-1.40 Makaton with Lauren
- Wednesday 12.30-1.30 Luncheon Club on the last Wednesday of the month – by invite only (part of the ‘seed to feed’ project)
- Wellness One on One – We offer 1-1 sessions in Breathwork, Meditation and Tapping for members and our community – if you would like to book in for a session please email Emma for more details, we have kept the cost of these session as a ‘pay what you can’ Emma’s email: emmalittle@thehutyork.co.uk
Introduction to our daily sessions:
Hut Made Makers
Every Monday & Friday 11.15-12.30
Hut Made is our little shop. Its not about making a profit, its about giving our members a purpose and the chance to develop new skills.
Some of what you might get to make: Cards – Candles – Happiness Bags – Wellness Jars – Dishcloths – Message in a Bottle – Planters – Clocks
Monday – Each week we will be developing items to sell in the shop, designing the packaging, packing items ready to sell on our stalls in the community, there is something new to learn
Friday – A card making session – from Drawing and designing unique cards to learning how to Lino print and so much more…
The Crafty Kitchen
Tuesday & Thursday 11.15-12.30
Our ‘Seed to Feed’ project starts in the garden and finishes with us tasting what we have grown. Developed to see the whole process from the start where we plan what we are going to grow, nurture the process, harvest and then cook.
Both sessions each week will explore and cook something different, with produce where possible grown in the garden
No Crafty Kitchen on the 1st Tuesday of every month, instead we have Drama with York Theatre Royal
*This session is a pre book only*
The ‘A’ Team – The group named themselves
Every Wednesday apart from the last Wednesday of every month 11.15-12.30 & 1.40-245
Quieter session, like the ‘Perfect Mix’ there is a lots of choice on offer and the group will pick the activities for the day
*Please note this group is held in the Hubble, the group is smaller and for those members who don’t like noise and is special designed by the members attending this session. If you are interested in this group and we have space we will invite you to visit the session and meet the members*
The Perfect Mix
Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 1.30-2.45
We want members to have a choice and these session enables just this, each day there will be a mixture of different activities to take part in
Green Fingered Friends
Woodwork in the Workshop
Hut Made
Crafty Crafts
The Wellness Haven
Lets go for a Bimble
(please note not all will be available on each afternoon)
Games & Bingo
Friday 1.30-2.45
Finishing the week off with some Games and Bingo a great end to the week
Follow our social media to see what we have been getting up to a The Hut