Friday Update: Wonderful Weather and Volunteers
Happy Friday everyone,
It has been a busy week at The Hut, the sun has been shining and we have been making the most of getting outside.
Our members all came together this week and helped to water the plants, the outside area is looking so great and we want to help maintain this space wherever possible. So, we all became involved in watering the plants, if anyone is around Clarence Gardens please do come and help keep the space watered in the warm weather.
Our service relies on the amazing volunteers who go that extra mile to make the members time at The Hut positive. This academic year we have been working closely with York College to offer placements to their Health and Social Care students. We have not been disappointed, they have been keen to learn and develop, ask questions and show initiative and maturity beyond their years. Every single one has brought something positive to The Hut and as we come to the end of the college year and placements are now coming to an end, we will be sad to see them all go.
This week I want to share something special about some of these amazing students, so to Ellie, Bobbie, Minnie and Alex a special thank you! Whilst Jonny and I were busy they took charge and organised our members activities, they brought everyone together to play Uno, encouraging and supporting all to have a fun. Over lunch they decided to ask members if they would like to play football outside and everyone ended up taking part in some way, leading on to afternoon of fun and games enjoyed by all!
York College they have been a credit to you, and we are very grateful to have work with you this year and hope that we will be able to continue the success of this next year.
Please check our Facebook page out and see what we do, you are most welcome to come and spend some time with us at The Hut.
We had a stall at York hospital this week selling our ‘Hut Made’ and we made £146.70 we have another stall next month on the 6th August so if you can pop over and say hello to our volunteers that would be lovely.
As the week comes to and end, we are busy preparing our stall at the Dragon Boat race, if you are around on Sunday 14th July please come and support York Rotary, we will be selling some of our ‘Hut Made’ and would love to see you all.
Have a good week everyone and until my next blog take care.
Service Manager
Last Updated: 5 July 2019 3:33 pm