Fully Loaded Skins and Hula Girls
It was another food workshop last Tuesday and back to some healthy options and simple recipes that can be made at home. Members made loaded potato skins, first learning the best way to bake a potato then how to cut the potato in half and scoop out the middle ready for the filling. There was lots to choose from, onions, peppers, cheese, tomatoes, bacon herbs and spices. With the addition of the new hot plates The Huts members have more options of what to do with their fillings. They have been able to fry off vegetables after chopping them up learning some more simple but valuable kitchen skills. Members then took the yummy creations home to have for their tea. All these food workshops are aiming to help teach some members skills they may not have and ideas for simple and healthy alternatives they can make and eat at home. The Huts members love what they create and are so very proud of the delicious meals they are making.
Mondays art workshop finished off their Van Gough inspired piece of original art as a gift to say thank you for a very generous donation from The Gordon Higgins Trust. We hope they like this Hut masterpiece.
The art workshop also had a play with using different tools to create different textures in paint to create these stunning blossom tree paintings. Starting with a bold blue background and very dynamic black tree shape, members then experimented creating the pink and white blossoms. Love these paintings.
Our craft workshops were not to be outdone this week either. Thursday Max delivered a fantastic craft creating mermaids and Hula girls from the humble toilet roll. Some great imagination shown by members and staff.
On Friday in The Huts quick craft session in the morning, members made with the support of Kara some very funky frog ball and cup games. Using toilet roll tubes again. We’re very imaginative here at The Hut.
The Hut would like to wish you all a fantastic week and check back next week for some more exciting news about our fantastic service.
Last Updated: 9 March 2020 11:08 am