Learning practical skills at The Hut

Today one of our members Amber came in with some sewing she had made at home, she had got her dad to go out and get her some material for her to make a cushion. This was because she had learnt sewing skills whilst on her weekly visit to us and wanted to practice them at home, we were so happy to see what she had made and Jonny was pleased to see her using her skills – so well done, the cushion looks so well made! Amber has been attending The Hut with support for a couple of months. When I asked her why she comes she said it was a fun space and everyone is so friendly she particularly liked the banter between her and Jonny and that she is learning knew skills. Her support worker said that she has seen her grow in confidence, this was so evident through my chat with Amber as she was smiling and laughing.
This is why Jonny and I really do love our jobs! So thank you Amber and the rest of our members!
We would love to see new faces come in to The Hut and find out what we do!
Emma – Service Manager