Weekly update through Lockdown 12/02/2021

12th February 2021


Hi everyone, hope you are well during these times, we hope our weekly updates are going to keep you going until we reopen, we are still unsure of when that will be.


So, what have we been up to this week you may ask?

Edd is continuing his fantastic work here at The Hut and we feel you will all absolutely love what he has done when you all come back when we reopen. Regarding this, we should hopefully have more news from February 23rd as that is when the new announcements are.


Some of you have been joining the sessions we run every Wednesday and Friday, we love to see your faces pop up on the screen all the time as we feel it is a massive bonus that we can actually see you guys screen to screen over this lockdown. In the coming weeks we hope to see more of you all!!


The Umbrella group Via zoom continues every Wednesday afternoon 13:30 to 14:30                                                                                                                                                 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6265798244?pwd=Y3BCVGNrTnExempKYWM3azZucFhZQT09

Room code – 6265798244

Password – TheHut


We do phone call contact with lots of you I will ring, if you are unable to answer I will leave a message and you can call back between 11-3 Monday to Friday. If I do not hear from you, I will call the following as usual.

The those who have purchased the monthly activity packs already, your February pack will be coming next week. Due to weather, we haven’t been able to deliver this week, so many apologies. Alongside this there are still some card packs that can be purchased for five pounds if any of you would like to create and join in the sessions every Tuesday.



Placement support worker

Last Updated: 12 February 2021 3:42 pm