Weekly update through Lockdown 29/01/2021
29th January 2021
The Hut is remaining closed during lockdown however, we wanted to keep in touch with our members during these uncertain times.
We are still offering the sessions that we have been running since the beginning of lockdown, more information is on the website or previous emails.
To access the zoom our zoom code you can either use this link or use the codes below, all of our zoom sessions are in the same room. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6265798244?pwd=Y3BCVGNrTnExempKYWM3azZucFhZQT09
Room code – 6265798244
Password – TheHut
It has been brilliant these past couple of weeks with the amount of you lovely people joining in on the sessions, every week we see more and more of you guys.
Hope to see you all through sessions next week!!
Placement support worker
Last Updated: 29 January 2021 3:04 pm