Friday Update: a story from Hut Scribes

Hope this blog finds everyone well and not to fed up with the wet weather, the plants outside The Hut are thankful for some rain though.

Every Thursday we have a creative writing group called ‘Hut scribes’ it starts at 1pm and is open to anyone wanting to have a relaxed fun time with some writing involved.  In this weeks topic, our members had to write their stories to include certain words, a fun challenge which resulted in many different stories.

With permission of this author, I would like to share his story.

The adventures of the man from Delmontee…

The man from Delmontee decided to start production of a fruit drink, for the first trial production run he decided to use anapple.

He started looking for premises. The first site he managed to put successful bid in for was Las Vegas.

Having set up his factory he needed to run an advertising campaign his advertising agency formulated an advert with a picture of Elvis Presley drinking apple juice.

The campaign was quite successful, however the man from Delmontee felt he needed to elaborate it, to create further interest he launched a brand of complementary pancakes he thought of this idea whilst sitting in the sun under a tree.

The sales went from strength to strength and his firm made quite a lot of money.  As an act of altruism, he invested some of this money into reforestation schemes and the support of national parks. 

By Bill


The highlighted words are what had to be included to make the story, I think you will agree with me that it’s a great story.

The Hut does a lot to build members confidence and self esteem and on Wednesday 4th September will be launching The ASPIRE Programme, look out for more details and how to book coming soon.

Jonny has been on leave this week and members have certainly missed him, a big thank you to our members for all their hard work, we couldn’t do it without them.

Have a good week everyone and until my next blog take care


Service manager

Last Updated: 28 June 2019 4:49 pm