Happy New Year From All At The Hut
A very happy New Year from all at The Hut. We hope you had a great Christmas and New Year!!
With the Christmas and New Year period over The Hut is back open as usual Monday – Friday 10 – 4. All the usual suspects are there Art Workshop Monday afternoons, Crafts Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons and Games all day Wednesday. The Hut welcomes back MEG (York University music education group) for songwriting group starting on Thursday 9th of January at 11 – 12 and The African Drum workshop on Wednesday 15th January 2 – 3. My Journey will also restart on Tuesday 7th January 10:15 – 11:30.
If you want any further information on anything The Hut does please do not hesitate to contact us or pop in. Come along and say hello if you are new to The Hut, Tuesday and Thursday mornings are the best time to catch Jonny the activities coordinator he can go through everything The Hut has to offer and show you round and introduce you to our little community.
So here’s to a fantastic 2020 we can’t wait to see you all!!
Last Updated: 3 January 2020 1:29 pm